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The Hair Model Agency. Terms and Conditions

If you're thinking of joining our hair model base, please take the time to read our rules carefully. Once you agree to work with us, you also agree to all the rules, terms and conditions as laid out in this website, below.​




Terms and Conditions of Hair Modeling with Robert Isworthy and The All Hair Academy Salon.





Our definition of hair modeling:


1. Making yourself and your  hair available to be used by hairdressers, for purposes of learning and experimenting with new hairdressing concepts, techniques, and products.

2. Making yourself and your hair available to be used by hairdressers for purposes of demonstration, and presentation, of hairdressing concepts, techniques, and products, which they are familiar with and qualified to execute.

3. Making yourself available to model hairdressers work photographically, for personal portfolios or for purposes of public display, printing, and media exposure in any form or format. ​



​Hair modeling encompasses, every possible aspect of, both the standard salon services, as well as photographic, presentation, and show styling. A person choosing to model hairstyles in any of these aspects, will be required to make themselves, and their hair available for hair cutting, styling, colouring, a variety of chemical services, including straightening, relaxing, and perming, should this be required. Depending on your preferences, you may model in a salon, photographic studio, or location, public show venue, or a small workshop.



Once you join our The Hair Model Agency, your services, depending on your preferences ( in application form), may be required for a variety of events, as detailed on our Hair Model Agency page. From normal hair appointment-like visits, to informal presentations, advanced seminars, and even shows and photographic shoots.

Presently, you will be asked to model for Stylists at THE ALL HAIR ACADEMY, as well as for the TIGI AMBASSADORS, an elite team of hairdressers who present the latest international hair collections to stylists throughout South Africa. You will also be asked to model for attendees and delegates of our specialized hair courses, as well as for any visiting or international trainers.

We may also choose to make your services available to other salons or stylists.



​We do not pay models, or negotiate cash or product remunerations for modeling services. We provide Professional and Cutting edge hair services in exchange for modeling services rendered to us. In the case of Professional models and Visiting International artists models, remunerations may be agreed upon between these models and the seminar sponsor. Photographic Models will receive a disc with their preselected photographs, which they may use for private purposes or self promotion. These photos may not be published or used for commercial and advertising purposes, without the consent and permission of the owners of this site, and the sponsors or producers of the photographic shoot in which this model has been featured.



We strive to give the best attention to our models, and care for their hair and personal images. It is in our interests to produce satisfying, acceptable and thrilling results for our models, as they are, just like our clients, walking, talking advertisements for our skills.



​As a hair model you must accept that due to the learning or experimental facets of our modeling requirements, risks are always involved. You may not receive the exact style that was agreed with you and planned for your hair. You may not receive the exact colour, straightener, perm or chemical service that was planned or agreed with you. You may incur damage to your hair, as a result of chemicals, styling or any hairdressing, beauty, or makeup service, and products used on your hair and skin.

As a photographic model, you may incur injuries on the set, pertaining to styling, hairdressing, makeup, fixtures, equipment, or lighting.

As a Show or event model, you may incur injuries on stage, backstage, or at other locations linked to the event.


There are always risks in every endeavor, however, a hair model's best guideline of assessing whether a salon or hair stylist will produce sufficient benefits for themselves, is know WHO they are modeling for. Obviously a hair model extending their services to an inexperienced, unqualified trainee, will incur greater risks than with highly trained experiences stylists.

Since most of our models are required, for us to present our work to industry professionals and public events, it goes without saying, that we strive for the highest standards.

WAIVER: By accepting modeling assignments with us, you agree to accept the above risks, and agree to release Robert Isworthy, Robert Isworthy hairdressing, as well as, and The All Hair academy salon from any and all liability for such potential damages.



​Aside from the modeling preferences on the model application form, which give us a clear idea of which types of modeling we can use a specific person for, each model may freely decide on whether they want to partake in a particular event or workshop, after the styling requirements have been explained to them. We will generally contact models based on their hairstyling and deployment preferences.



Models, people modeling for us, and anybody who has joined the The Hair Model Agency on this site, have no obligations to remain listed in this agency and can request the removal of their preferences, personally submitted photo's, and details from this site at any time, and make themselves unavailable for modeling. To do so, inform us by contacting us at . After receiving your request to be removed from this service, we will send you a mail confirming that your request has been taken care of.



​The only major obligation that we expect you respect is this: BE RELIABLE!

Once you have agreed to any modeling assignment, be sure that you can be there. If unforeseen circumstances force your plans to change, please contact us immediately via email. or phone us on the number we sent you with your modeling confirmation email to inform us.



We are always appreciative of anyone who agrees to model for us and we reflect this in our dealings with all models. Our models, are assured of receiving professional service and professional hair care regimen's during their sessions with us.

As a Robert Isworthy / A.H.A. (All hair academy) model you will be fully consulted as to which cut or service, we want to use you for, before the time, and are free to decide whether to go for it, or not. You can choose the looks that you want to be available for.



If any model wishes to make themselves and their services available to a wider audience, and gain greater exposure, they are welcome to request their own space on our hair models booking page. This is an optional service, and it is up to each model to decide whether they want to model only for us, or whether they wish to advertise their services to other prospective hairdressers, hair salons and fashion industry professionals, via our site.

Each model must provide us with at least 3 three pictures which prominently feature their faces and hair. We will do the rest. Currently, should any bookings for a model be made, off this site, the booking form will be sent to us, and we will forward the booking application to the relevant models. It is entirely up to each model to communicate with the prospective client, and decide whether or not they wish to accept the assignment or booking.

PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT a professional model agency. We do not charge models for using our booking page, nor do we charge other professionals wishing to use our models. We simply offer this page and listing as a means for models to initiate contact with a broader base of industry professionals, and therefore take NO RESPONSIBILITY for communications, arrangements or events which occur as a result of models using this service. Like any social media service, it is up to the model to decide whether they want to accept bookings or not. It is up to the models to assess the reliability, professional standing and  credentials of the person making the booking. We insist on our booking page and form, that our models are only available to PROFESSIONALS in the fields of hairdressing, beauty, fashion, events, and photography.  but we cannot guarantee or verify these credentials. It is up to the model, to confirm the standing and credentials of people making each booking, and decide for themselves if they trust this person or company.

No personal contact details are supplied by us to people making bookings.


We take no responsibility for the safety of models using our bookings system, nor can we vouch for or guarantee the reliability and accuracy of any information supplied by people using our hair model booking system. We do our best to create an open acsessable platform for models and professionals to find each other, but can take no responsibility for events which occur thereafter.



This site,, and its administrators and owners, reserve the right to accept and / or reject applications made in any form, whether through this website (online), telephonic-ally, or in any communication whatsoever, to join The Hair Model Agency and any modeling services appearing in the website. We also reserve the right to discontinue any communications and dealings with people who have made themselves available for our hair modeling agency services, and whoose applications we have accepted, including removing their details and services from this site.

We provide no gaurantees or promises that we will ever use you, or your modeling services. All people partaking in this service (The Hair Model Agency) are free from any obligations to us over the short or long term pertaining to to their availability to be used by us, as we too are free of any obligations to use any person or their modeling services.

It's simple, if we need a model, and contact anyone who has made themselves available through The Hair Model Agency, and the requirements, timing, of our request happen to suit the person, and they are willing, then we use them. If, for whichever reason our request for such a persons modeling services does not suit them, then they are under no obligation to accept, and will remain in our books, for later deployment.



​The owners, administrators, and staff, of, as well as the the owners, directors, and staff of THE ALL HAIR ACADEMY, and any company, its owners and staff, to which we ( refer people, or models affiliated with this site, hereby accept no responsibility whatsoever for personal injuries, accidents, hair damage, or allergies and skin reactions, which occur to such people, or models, at or on our premises or any premises to which such a model, or person is found present due to their affiliation with this site, and that are as a result of any kind of procedure, work, appliance, or product, which is executed upon, or applied to such a persons body, face, or hair.


The owners, administrators, and staff, of, as well as the the owners, directors, and staff of THE ALL HAIR ACADEMY, and any company, its owners and staff, to which we ( refer people, or models affiliated with this site, accept no responsibility for any misunderstandings, miscommunications, disagreements, acrimonious interactions, between any person, or model affiliated with this site, and any hair, beauty, makeup, and nails professional with which the model has agreed to work and model, or to which we have recommended this model.


All people applying to model, or that have been accepted by for, modeling purposes, as outlined on this website, and terms and conditions pages, agree to accept the terms and conditions of this website.


The website, through its Hair Model Agency service, functions as an agent for facilitating the interaction of modeling services from people who have joined our The Hair Model Agency, with individuals operating in the hair, makeup and beauty industries.

We do not accept any responsibility, for the levels of experience, education, ability, or quality, of the people or professionals to which we refer people, or who have joined or affiliated with/to

It is entirely the decision of the person who has joined our Hair Model Agency, and who has agreed to model using this service, to accept the risks and waivers stated in these terms and conditions, and accept or reject requests from any individual, salon or company, for their modeling services. Once such a model has communicated, or interacted with the person, sponsor, business, or salon who requires their services, then all further agreements, arrangements, remunerations and communications, will be strictly between these two parties. accepts no responsibility for arrangements, agreements, promises, remunerations, and communications between any person who has joined The Hair Model Agency, and the people, person, salon, company, or sponsor to which they have been referred.



Photographic modeling is done for purposes of updating salon or stylist portfolios and bodies of work, for purposes of use in advertising campaigns and presentations, as well as creating promotional materials for stylists or salons which may or may not be published on public ad spaces, the internet or in mainstream media. As a model you agree provisionally to release all photos in which you appear, for the above uses, to the initiators of the photo shoot and photographer. Once you have applied for photographic model work, and have actively partaken of a photo shoot, you grant irrevocable permission to the photographer as well to the owners of this website, Robert Isworthy Hairdressing, and The All Hair Academy, to use and publish these photo's as they wish.


In cases when you appear in a "creative collaboration" photo shoot. You give each member of the collaboration (makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist, and photographer) irrevocable permission to use all photos in which you appear,  in advertising campaigns and presentations, as well as creating promotional materials for themselves or businesses, which may or may not be published on public ad spaces, the internet or in mainstream media. As a model in a collaboration shoot, you have the right to use the photo's in which you appear, as the other members do.


Models are not remunerated or paid for services rendered to us After each shoot, the model will receive a DVD with all photos from the shoot initiator or photographers final selection.​​



​PHOTOGRAPHIC: From ages 16-25

CATWALK: From ages 18 - 25

In Salon: From 14 - 35

Show & Tell Workshops: From 16 - 30


Models younger than 18 years old MUST provide contact numbers for their parents/ guardians, as well as written and signed permission from their parents and guardians.



Copyright. 2013

For Professional Hairstylists and fashion industry professionals, wishing to book models.

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